Downtown Air and Heat Blog : Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

How Does Humidity Affect AC Performance?

Thursday, June 26th, 2014

The comfortable range for humidity is 30%-60%; the average humidity levels in Orlando between June and August range from 61%-92%. Clearly, our air conditioners are a necessity.

Not only do our air conditioners cool us, they help remove the humidity, which is a big part of our heat here. Even though your AC system is designed to remove humidity as part of regular operation, there are times when the moisture can be excessive for your air conditioning and potentially affect its performance. This is when you want to call Downtown Air & Heat.

How Does Humidity Affect My AC?

There are several ways in which humidity can adversely affect your air conditioner:

  • More stress on your system – when there is excess moisture in the air, not only does your air conditioner have more moisture to remove, it also has more heat to fight. More humidity means your air conditioner has to work harder to cool the same way as when there’s less humidity. This can put more stress on your system, particularly if it hasn’t been properly maintained.
  • More problems for allergy sufferers – not only does pollen like to cling to humidity, too much moisture is one of the reasons dust mites, mildew, and mold flourish. By properly dehumidifying the air, you can help prevent allergens from hanging in your indoor air and developing in your home.
  • Less comfort indoors – the point of having an air conditioner is to feel comfortable during the hot months of the year. When too much humidity is present, it can make the cool air in your house feel cold and clammy. This kind of discomfort can be as uncomfortable as experiencing the heat, something no one wants from their AC.

The Best Way to Handle Humidity

One of the best tools available for handling the extra humidity that comes with the Orlando heat is a whole-home dehumidifier. Whole-home dehumidifiers help remove the extra humidity in the air, giving your air conditioner the breathing room to operate optimally, even during long periods of excessive warmth. Let Downtown Air & Heat help you lift the weight of the humidity this summer with a whole-home dehumidifier for your air conditioning system. Call us today and schedule air conditioning service in Orlando with one of our experts.

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Avoiding the Need For Air Conditioning Repairs

Thursday, June 19th, 2014

The last thing anyone wants to deal with during a hot summer in Orlando is an air conditioning repair. Over the years, our Downtown Air & Heating customers have asked our experts if there are ways to help prevent repair needs from developing, and the answer is yes, there are ways to help curb the need for air conditioning repair to your system. Some repairs are not avoidable, but by taking certain steps we’ll outline below, you can decrease both the need for repairs and the size of the repairs to your air conditioning system.

Don’t Ignore Signs of Problems

Strange sounds, unfamiliar smells and a subpar performance can all point to problems that developing with your air conditioner – don’t ignore them. While your air conditioner may still be running, it may not be running well, and there is a limited amount of time your AC can run under stressful conditions. As the saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry, so if something seems even a little bit off, call your Downtown Air & Heat technician to take a look.

Change/Clean Filters Regularly

Your air filter can become clogged with dust and dirt. When the filter becomes too clogged it can restrict airflow, which can lead to multiple problems with your system. By changing the air filter every 1-3 months, you can avoid the problems that develop from a dirty air filter.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is one of the best ways to stave off repairs and keep your air conditioner running optimally. With bi-annual maintenance, your system is thoroughly inspected for any issues, cleaned, and adjusted and/or repaired as needed. Scheduling bi-annual maintenance means the small things, like worn fan belts and loose screws, are taken care of before they can lead to bigger, and potentially more expensive, repairs.

Keep the Outdoor Unit Clear

While a specialist should clean the interior components of your outdoor unit, you can help with maintenance by cleaning up any yard debris from the area around the outdoor unit, and making sure there is no overgrowth from trees or shrubs encroaching on the space.

Think You May Have an Issue?

Even if you aren’t sure if something is going on, it’s better to get ahead of your repairs than to wait and see. Get ahead of any potential issues – give Downtown Air & Heating a call and schedule air conditioning repair in Orlando today.

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What Can I Expect When Installing a New Air Conditioner?

Monday, June 16th, 2014

Modern air conditioners have long service lifespans. You probably haven’t needed to install a new air conditioning system in your home more than once before, if at all. So when you need to arrange to replace an older AC, you probably won’t be very familiar with the process or know what to expect. We’ll give you an idea of what the installation work involves.

To help smooth out the process and take away most of the headaches, contact Downtown Air & Heat to arrange for air conditioning installation in Orlando, FL. We have a NATE-certified team to make sure that the work is preformed professionally and accurately. At the conclusion you will have a system in your house that will last you for many more years… long enough that when you need to replace it, you once again will have to read over reminders about how the installation process goes!

What Happens During AC Installation

The first step in new air conditioning installation is to call for HVAC professionals: do not take this on as a “do-it-yourself” project or hand it off to amateurs.

The professional installers will come to your home to ascertain its cooling needs and power supply so they can find the right unit to go with it. Part of this selection process involves “sizing” the new system so that its cooling load matches your house: too large or too small will mean energy drain and a system with an abbreviated lifespan.

Once these preliminaries are completed, the actual physical installation requires less than a day (in most cases). The arduous part of the installing involves removing the current system and disposing of it. Once the old air conditioner is out of the way, the rest of the work will move forward rapidly. The installers will place and secure the outdoor unit, and then do the same for the indoor unit. They will cut and resize the ductwork that connects to the indoor cabinet so it fits perfectly, connect the ventilation system to the indoor unit, and then hook the system into the house’s power supply.

The last step that the installers will take is to look over the refrigerant lines, power lines, and connections to make sure that everything links up. They perform electrical and airflow tests to see that the system is working as it should. Quality professionals will not consider the job finished until they know you will be fully satisfied with the work and can start enjoying your new cooling right away.

We take pride in the work we perform at Downtown Air & Heat when it comes to air conditioning installation in Orlando, FL. Contact us when you are ready to have your first AC replacement in many years—we’ll make the process easy for you.

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Air Conditioning Repairs: How Often Is Too Often?

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

It’s a hard question to decide upon: when are you repairing your air conditioner too much? While there is no simple answer for this, there are a few factors to consider which can help you to decide if your air conditioning repair means it’s time for a replacement:

Have You Scheduled Bi-Annual Maintenance?

Bi-annual maintenance helps prolong the life of your air conditioner, increase efficiency and prevent repairs. Have you been conducting regular maintenance on your air conditioner and still find yourself needing serious repairs? If so, it may be time to sit down with a trained expert to see if it’s time to replace your current AC.

Are the Repairs Becoming Costly?

Small repairs, such as replacing worn fan belts or repairing frayed wiring, are not repairs that will hit your wallet hard. But big repairs, like a burned-out fan motor or finding a refrigerant leak, can really start to add up. Have you spent so much on repairs in the last 2-3 cooling seasons that you could have purchased a new air conditioner for the same amount of money? Reviewing your repair costs with a professional can help you determine if purchasing a new air conditioner could be better for your wallet.

Is Your Current Air Conditioner Cooling Adequately?

As air conditioners age, their ability to cool your home can become an issue. Some air conditioners can no longer keep up with the need to cool; others cool unevenly, producing various hot and cold spots throughout your indoor space. In either case, the people in your home will experience discomfort, which defeats the purpose of having an air conditioner in the first place.

Is Your Air Conditioner 8+ Years Old?

In 2006, federal laws changed to mandate that, moving forward, air conditioners needed to be manufactured at a higher SEER number, which is 13; before this change, the minimum SEER number was 10. This means that if you purchased your air conditioner before 2006, your system may not be as efficient as current models. In addition, your air conditioner is aging. Both of these factors can contribute to higher monthly utility bills.

Before Replacing Your AC, Speak to a Professional

Many facts and figures go into the purchase of a new air conditioner, which is why it’s important to consult with an expert before embarking on a new purchase. Repair bills can be a sign that it’s time to replace your air conditioner, but it’s just one of several. Schedule an appointment with your Downtown Air & Heat specialist today to discuss the impact of your air conditioning repair in Orlando.

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Home Improvements to Make Before Air Conditioning Installation

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

You’ve finally decided to replace your aging air conditioning system for a new one with increased performance and efficiency. This is a big decision, but if you have the right professional installers working with you, the process should go smoothly and leave you with an AC that works ideally and meets your comfort needs.

However, there are a few improvements around your home you should consider having completed before your new air conditioning installation in Orlando, FL. These improvements will help you get the most effective and efficient cooling from your new system, letting you take advantage of its superior features and performance. When you’re ready for installation, contact Downtown Air & Heat and well will help you receive the best possible work for your future comfort.

Ductwork repairs and sealing

One of the major troubles that air conditioners (as well as forced-air heaters) can face is from leaky ductwork. If you have an older ventilation system, it make have gaps and breaks along it that will negatively affect the performance of your new AC, causing it to lose air pressure and sending contaminating dust into your indoor air. Call on duct repair experts to examine the ductwork and perform the necessary sealing work to make sure that you have airtight ventilation shafts.

Window caulking and weather stripping around doors

Windows with space around them where hot air can enter your home will make the interior of your house far hotter than it should be, and that will make the air conditioner’s job much harder. Caulking the windows will keep a better heat seal. As for doors to the outside, place weather stripping around them to block additional external heat from finding ways inside.

Insulation improvements (especially in the attic!)

People often don’t realize that insulation serves to keep a home cool as well as warm. If your home has too many air leaks due to poor or deteriorating insulation, additional heat will infiltrate your home and overstress your new AC. The attic is the most important place to seal up, since during the summer the temperature in the attic can sometimes climb to 130°F! As this excess heat seeps down into your home, it could raise the indoor temperature more than 10°F, and you will need to run the AC much longer to overcome it. Make sure you have your insulation in good shape to defend against outdoor summer heat.

Call Downtown Air & Heat today to get started with the first task: duct repairs. We can seal and repair all types of ductwork so your new air conditioner will have healthy “breathing” passages. When you are ready for your full air conditioning installation in Orlando, FL, you can rely on our experienced technicians to perform an excellent job that will keep you cool for many Florida summers to come.

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The Benefits of Installing a High-Efficiency AC

Friday, May 23rd, 2014

The term “high efficiency” automatically makes an appliance sound like a good option. When it comes to air conditioning systems—appliances that are among the most energy-demanding in a home—it sounds even better to opt for a high-efficiency model.

Although there are some cautions you need to take when it comes to choosing a high-efficiency AC—they aren’t always the best choice—you can eliminate most of the guesswork with the assistance of skilled HVAC technicians. When you’re ready for an air conditioning system replacement in Orlando, FL, call Downtown Air & Heat. We install a variety of high-efficiency ACs and will help you find the right one to keep you cool for many Florida summers to come.

Reasons High-Efficiency Air Conditioners Are Beneficial

  • Energy Savings: The main reason that homeowners investigate installing high-efficiency air conditioning in the first place is to save money on utility bills while still receiving the amount of cooling they need. Where a standard AC must have a SEER (seasonal energy efficiency rating) of at least 14.5 to qualify for the U.S. Department of Energy’s ENERGY STAR label, high-efficiency systems score much higher, sometimes with SEER in the low 20s. That’s a huge jump from 14.5, meaning you can expect to pay a third less for the electricity necessary to cool your home during the summer.
  • More Features: The technology of high-efficiency systems also means they have advanced features on them for superior performance. Most of these ACs come with variable speed air handlers and two-stage compressors to help them achieve better energy efficiency; but they also make the system better at cooling down a home. You’ll have faster cooling power and a more even temperature distribution with a high-efficiency air conditioner.
  • Increased Lifespan: Going hand-in-hand with better performance and efficient operation is reduced wear and tear on the unit. A high-efficiency air conditioner experiences less stress because it will not need to turn on and off as often. This means fewer repairs and a generally longer life for the unit.

Are There Any Drawbacks?

The only issue that high-efficiency air conditioners can present for homeowners is the upfront installation cost. As a rule of thumb, the higher a system’s SEER, the higher its price tag. If a high-efficiency AC will not offer a home significantly improved comfort and savings, then a standard system may be the optimal choice.

The best way to find out how well a high-efficiency AC will work for your home is to call in skilled professionals. Downtown Air & Heat handles a variety of types of air conditioning system installation in Orlando, FL, and we will pinpoint the system that will bring you all the advantages you need at a price that suits your budget.

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How Can I Get the Most Out of My Air Conditioning System?

Friday, May 16th, 2014

You’ve installed an energy-efficient air conditioning system, learned about your air conditioner and are ready for summer. But there are some additional steps you can take, with the help of your Downtown Air & Heat expert, which can help you get the most from your air conditioning in Winter Park:

Change Your Air Filter Regularly

Your air filter helps to remove dust, dirt and allergens from the air going through your AC system. As such, it can become clogged with these things when your system is in use. By changing your air filter regularly, your air flow can stay clean and at the level it needs to be.

Bi-Annual Maintenance

Springtime provides a window of opportunity to help maintain your air conditioner. Typical maintenance visits include cleaning, inspection and testing of your system to make sure it is running optimally for the summer. Regular maintenance is a great way to maintain the health of your system and help increase its longevity.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Your thermostat controls when your air conditioning system turns on and off, a great tool for property owners not home during certain times of the day. By utilizing pre-programmed settings, your air conditioner will work when you want it to, helping to create a level of efficiency.

Install a Zoning System

Zoning systems can be of help to properties with inconsistent room temperatures due to daytime heat, placement on a higher floor or high ceilings. Zoning allows for different rooms to be set at different temperatures instead of having a single temperature setting for the whole property. You can also turn down/off the air conditioning to spaces that aren’t being used while continuing to cool the ones that are in use.

Seal All Cooling and Heating Ducts

Over time, the seals around your ductwork can become cracked. When this happens, air from your system can escape, reducing the amount of cool air going into your home. By having your ductwork checked, you can get ahead of any seals that may be starting to wear.

Your air conditioner can help give you relief from the heat while also being energy-efficient. If you need help determining how to maximize your AC’s performance, call Downtown Air & Heat today and schedule an appointment for your air conditioning in Winter Park.

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Consider a Dehumidifier When Installing a New Air Conditioner

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

Humidity is a fact of life in Florida, and an uncomfortable one during the summer. But just because we have moist air doesn’t mean you have to suffer from it inside your house. Your new air conditioning system will handle some dehumidifying (its process of heat absorption also removes water moisture from the air), but to effectively handle the muggy Florida summers, you should consider contacting professionals to install a whole-house dehumidifier along with your new AC.

To handle this job, you’ll need technicians with experience in air conditioning replacement services in Orlando, FL… the experts who know what they are up against when it comes to balancing the moisture in your home’s air. Downtown Air & Heat has the people you need to perform the job. Call us and we’ll find the right dehumidifier for you and install it in no time at all.

Why install a whole-house dehumidifier with a new AC?

  • Increased comfort: This is the #1 priority for Floridians. High humidity makes people less comfortable in the heat. The reason for this is that high moisture levels in the air around a human body make it harder for the body to release heat through sweat; sweat evaporation slows down. With a professionally installed dehumidifier, the balance of moisture in the air will reach the ideal level where you’ll feel more comfortable without excessive dryness (which has its own set of problems).
  • Better health: Moist air is a breeding ground for many types of molds and fungus. These growths can release toxins into the air that cause allergy-like symptoms and other illnesses in people. Humid air also makes the spread of communicable disease easier. Balanced humidity will mean increased health for everyone in your house.
  • Reduced water damage: High humidity is a destructive force for many parts of your home, as well as to your belongings. Wood will start to warp and the same growth of mold and mildew that can affect your health will eat into drywall and other building material. Moisture forming over surfaces in your house is something you want to avoid if at all possible.

Call Downtown Air & Heat to arrange an appointment with our indoor air quality specialists who are also familiar with air conditioning installation in Orlando, FL. They will assess your air to determine the type and size of dehumidifier you need for comfort without making your air too dry. After they install the dehumidifier with your air conditioning system, you’ll enjoy the summer more and experience fewer health troubles. You can also call our technicians for regular service and repair work on your dehumidifier to keep it working for you.

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Common Air Conditioning Problems in the Spring

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

Although summer officially starts on the same calendar day throughout the country, the summer heat chooses its own time to debut. In Florida, this comes sooner, rather than later. During spring, you need to have any repairs necessary for your air conditioner done as soon as you can, because the summer heat waves can strike at any time. With an AC suffering from stress due to a malfunction, this can mean serious operating troubles or even a complete breakdown.

Here are a few needs for air conditioning repair service in Orlando, FL that can appear during spring. Don’t let them linger: call Downtown Air & Heat for the repair work that will prepare your air conditioner for the summer. We’re on call 24 hours a day for your convenience.

A Few of the More Frequent AC Problems Of Spring

  • Refrigerant leaking: The refrigerant inside an air conditioner does not get “used up” during operation and should not need regular recharging. However, leaking can begin to occur during the spring because of corrosion along the refrigerant line or damage to the compressor. Loss of refrigerant will lower the AC’s cooling ability, create frost along the indoor coils, and eventually damage the compressor, putting the whole system at risk. If you hear a hissing sound from the air conditioner (escaping refrigerant), spot ice along the evaporator coil, or notice a drop in cooling, call for professional repairs immediately.
  • Clogged condensate drain: The humidity of Florida makes the growth of algae a common trouble that affects drains. Your air conditioning system contains an important drain, the condensate drain that removes the excess water that forms along the evaporator coil. This water drips down into a shallow pan, where the condensate drain removes it into your standard plumbing system. During the first humidity of spring, algal growth inside the drain can lead to blockage, and soon the shallow condensate pan will overflow, leading to water damage inside your home. This is a simple problem for repair technicians to fix: they will detach the pan and the drain line and clean out the drain.
  • Ductwork breaks: Another issue from humidity that can affect your air conditioner is breaks along the ductwork. If mold and mildew begins to grow inside the ducts, it can weaken the duct material and lead to gaps and leaks. This will cause air pressure loss and lessened cooling power, and also allow contamination into the ductwork and out into your air. Find repair technician who also handle duct sealing to fix these problems. Starting summer with leaky ducts is a sure way to waste money and lose comfort.

The days of spring are running out fast. If you have a malfunctioning AC, call Downtown Air & Heat now for the necessary air conditioning repairs to fix the problem before the summer heat hits. If your air conditioner appears to be working fine, you should still give us a call to arrange for annual preventive maintenance for the system: you’ll have peace of mind all through summer that your AC is in the best shape possible.

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Watch for These 3 Repair Warning Signs from Your AC

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

The weather is already warm here in Winter Park, and summer hasn’t even arrived yet. Now is the time to make sure that your air conditioner doesn’t have any malfunctions that require repairs before the big summer heat hits.

You have probably already turned on your AC, or you will within the next few weeks, so pay close attention to any signs from it that all may not be well. Here are three warning signs that you need to call for professional service for your air conditioner—or risk enduring some uncomfortable days during the summer while waiting for emergency repairs.

Downtown Air & Heat has 24-hour emergency response for your air conditioning repairs in Winter Park, FL. With our staff on the job, you won’t have to worry about getting your air conditioner ready in time for the first week of 90°F+ temperatures.

1. Unusual noises from the cabinet

Any sound that is different from the standard noises of a running air conditioner—the fans, the compressor, the draining of excess moisture—needs investigating right away. Grinding and groaning warns of motor failure, hissing of escaping refrigerant, rattling of loose components, screeching of fraying fan belts, and clanging of bent fan blades. Have repair specialists track down the cause and remedy it.

2. Acrid, burning smells from the vents

When the air coming from the room vents takes on a burning smell, it often indicates that one of the motors is wearing down and will need replacement. The smell might also mean excessive dust and dirt along the ductwork, and in this case you should schedule professional duct cleaning.

3. Sudden spikes in electricity bills

You should always pay close attention to your energy bills every month, since sudden fluctuations can indicate otherwise hidden problems. Look over your current spring electrical bills, and then compare them to the bills from the same period last year. Accounting for regular inflation, the costs should be similar. If your current bill shows a steep rise, then your air conditioner might be working inefficiently due to a malfunction. Have professionals diagnose the issue and find how to fix it.

Along with any necessary repairs, you should schedule annual maintenance for the AC. Spring is the standard time for homeowners to have this done, since it helps prepare the system for the stresses of summer. During a maintenance session, a technician will go over all the components of the air conditioning and check electrical connections, the thermostat, airflow, and general efficiency. If there are any repairs that you need to have done, the technician will inform you of them and help you arrange to fix them.

Trust to Downtown Air & Heat for your air conditioning repair service in Winter Park, FL. We also have a maintenance program that will take care of your air conditioner in spring and your heater in winter, plus a 15% discount on all repairs and priority service scheduling.

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