Downtown Air and Heat Blog : Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

It’s the Hottest Time of Year – Don’t Push Your AC to the Brink

Monday, July 20th, 2015

There is nothing like the heat and humidity you can experience in Florida during July and August. If there is a time of the year where you use your air conditioner to its fullest extent, it is now. This is a major reason why our Downtown Air & Heat technicians see most of our repair calls: if your AC is going to break down, it’ll be when it’s working its hardest. Here are some suggestions to help you reduce the level of stress your air conditioner is under during these hot months without sacrificing your indoor comfort:

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When Is It Time to Call for Emergency AC Service?

Monday, July 6th, 2015

In Florida, you really can’t get through the heat of summer without your whole home air conditioner. This is one of the reasons why the experts at Downtown Air & Heat offer 24-hour emergency service every day of the year. Sometimes, though, it can be hard to identify what qualifies as a true emergency. To help you, our experts have put together some examples of situations that would classify as “emergencies”:

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Easy Energy-Saving Tips to Help with This Summer’s Cooling

Monday, June 29th, 2015

Summer is well underway here in Orlando, FL, and by now you have probably gotten at least one utility bill reflecting your AC usage. Did you look at it and gasp? The good news is that the experts at Downtown Air & Heat have some helpful tips that are easy to implement and that can save you energy throughout the summer months.

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Is Your Commercial Air Conditioner Performing Poorly?

Monday, June 22nd, 2015

As a business owner, you know that it’s critical to have a comfortable space in which to conduct your daily business and operations. A big part of the comfort level comes, at this time of year, from your commercial AC. However, you may have noticed some signs that your commercial air conditioner isn’t performing quite as it should be. What kinds of signs are we talking about? Things like:

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Why Should I Consider a Zone Control System for My Air Conditioner?

Monday, June 15th, 2015

Some homes are fine having a single thermostat to cool the homes, but many other homes have the challenge of uneven cooling throughout the day because of daytime heat gain or specialized architecture. If you have trouble keeping all the areas of your home in Orlando, FL, cool and comfortable, you may want to consider the installation of a zone control system.

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What Is SEER and Why Is It Important?

Monday, June 8th, 2015

Just about every type of mechanical system or unit comes with a rating that tells you how much energy the device will use or how the device is expected to perform in terms of fuel usage. For air conditioners, this rating is known as SEER: seasonal energy efficiency ratio. Technically SEER is a rating that describes the ratio of cooling in BTUs to the amount of energy that is consumed; the energy consumed is measured in watt hours. However, you won’t have to worry about being this technical. What you have to know is a) what the scale is and b) what the numbers mean, and the experts at Downtown Air & Heat can help with that.

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Why Do I Have to Change the Air Filter on My AC?

Monday, June 1st, 2015

Every whole home ducted air conditioning system comes with an air filter, but unlike other components in your AC system, the air filter needs to be changed every three months. Why? The standard air filter that is part of your system collects dust and dirt, and within 3 months’ time, the amount of dust and dirt collected can be considerable. If you aren’t sure how to change your air filter, the trained experts at Downtown Air & Heat are here to help you.

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My Air Conditioner Has Capacitors?

Monday, May 4th, 2015

Your air conditioning system has many different components that allow it to provide your home with the cool air it needs. However, without the right amount of electricity, your system won’t do a thing. The electricity that runs through your home’s air conditioner is alternating current, also known as AC, and this type of electricity may not be strong enough to give the different motors in your AC system the boost they need at start-up. This is where capacitors come in. However, it’s important to allow a trained expert to handle all aspects of your air conditioner, particularly where electricity is concerned, and the specialists at Downtown Air & Heat are here to help. If you suspect you may have an electrical problem with the air conditioner in your home in Orlando, FL, don’t take a risk by trying to repair it yourself; instead, call us and schedule an appointment.

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3 Signs That You Need Air Conditioning Repair

Monday, April 27th, 2015

We live in Orlando, FL, which means that a reliable air conditioner is vital to handling the heat and humidity of the summer. Those hot days are just around the corner, and the last thing you want is to have a malfunctioning air conditioner when the temperatures hit triple digits. If you need maintenance or repairs, now is the time to do it, but how can you tell that a repair is necessary? Beyond the obvious (like the air conditioner simply failing to turn on), here are 3 signs that you need air conditioning repair:

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Why Doesn’t My AC Have Enough Power?

Monday, April 20th, 2015

It’s getting pretty toasty here in Orlando, FL, and the temperature is only going to go up. If you’ve turned on your air conditioner and noticed that it doesn’t seem to be blowing as much air as it should, there are a few reasons for this. Instead of trying to muddle through your system to discover the problem yourself, call the experts at Downtown Air & Heat. We can assist you with any AC repair you may have, and we have emergency service available around the clock. Call us today!

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