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Serving the greater Orlando area

24 hr Emergency Service


His team came in and professionally installed the whole system, replacing and sterilizing the ductwork, and cleaning up very well after all of the drywall work and repairs.

- Sean S

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Watch for These 3 Repair Warning Signs from Your AC

The weather is already warm here in Winter Park, and summer hasn’t even arrived yet. Now is the time to make sure that your air conditioner doesn’t have any malfunctions that require repairs before the big summer heat hits.

You have probably already turned on your AC, or you will within the next few weeks, so pay close attention to any signs from it that all may not be well. Here are three warning signs that you need to call for professional service for your air conditioner—or risk enduring some uncomfortable days during the summer while waiting for emergency repairs.

Downtown Air & Heat has 24-hour emergency response for your air conditioning repairs in Winter Park, FL. With our staff on the job, you won’t have to worry about getting your air conditioner ready in time for the first week of 90°F+ temperatures.

1. Unusual noises from the cabinet

Any sound that is different from the standard noises of a running air conditioner—the fans, the compressor, the draining of excess moisture—needs investigating right away. Grinding and groaning warns of motor failure, hissing of escaping refrigerant, rattling of loose components, screeching of fraying fan belts, and clanging of bent fan blades. Have repair specialists track down the cause and remedy it.

2. Acrid, burning smells from the vents

When the air coming from the room vents takes on a burning smell, it often indicates that one of the motors is wearing down and will need replacement. The smell might also mean excessive dust and dirt along the ductwork, and in this case you should schedule professional duct cleaning.

3. Sudden spikes in electricity bills

You should always pay close attention to your energy bills every month, since sudden fluctuations can indicate otherwise hidden problems. Look over your current spring electrical bills, and then compare them to the bills from the same period last year. Accounting for regular inflation, the costs should be similar. If your current bill shows a steep rise, then your air conditioner might be working inefficiently due to a malfunction. Have professionals diagnose the issue and find how to fix it.

Along with any necessary repairs, you should schedule annual maintenance for the AC. Spring is the standard time for homeowners to have this done, since it helps prepare the system for the stresses of summer. During a maintenance session, a technician will go over all the components of the air conditioning and check electrical connections, the thermostat, airflow, and general efficiency. If there are any repairs that you need to have done, the technician will inform you of them and help you arrange to fix them.

Trust to Downtown Air & Heat for your air conditioning repair service in Winter Park, FL. We also have a maintenance program that will take care of your air conditioner in spring and your heater in winter, plus a 15% discount on all repairs and priority service scheduling.

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