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24 hr Emergency Service


Serving the greater Orlando area

24 hr Emergency Service


The best Contractors we have had work with us in years. Polite, clean, thorough.

- J.

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Why Would I Need Duct Sanitizing?

Your ductwork takes in a lot of unwanted particles, from sizable debris like dust balls to microscopic organisms like pollen. This can make your ductwork a breeding ground for growths like mold and mildew, or an inviting home for insects and/or animals. Dust and dirt can be fairly easily cleaned from your system when professionals do the work, but once you have biological growth or unwanted guests, you may need more than cleaning – you may need sanitizing. And if you do, you’ll want trained experts, like the ones from Downtown Air and Heat, handling the work.

Why Sanitizing Helps

When mold or mildew has been found in your ductwork, duct cleaning may not remove all the spores. This can be especially true for ductwork that is made of plastic. Leftover spores are enough to re-start the growth, creating the problem all over again. Proper sanitization kills any leftover spores but it also leaves a coating that will protect the inside of your ductwork so that new growth can’t take hold.

Did you have unwanted guests inside your ductwork at some point? Insects and vermin leaves all kinds of unpleasant materials in your ductwork, ranging from nesting materials to chemical markers only they can detect. Cleaning removes the material in the ductwork, but you’ll want the action of the sanitizer to remove any biological contamination that may not have been removed during the cleaning.

The Sanitizer Is Safe

Some homeowners may have concerns that the sanitizer used on their ductwork may be unsafe or agitating to the senses. The types of sanitizers we use are all approved by the EPA and are rated for low toxicity. You won’t have to worry about harsh chemical odors or aggravating allergies or asthma when our experts sanitize your ductwork in Orlando.

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