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Serving the greater Orlando area

24 hr Emergency Service


I am very pleased with the entire process: good people providing good product and service at a reasonable price equals good value. Thank you.

- Steve P

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3 Signs Your Heat Pump May Need Repair

If you have a heat pump system in your home, you know how convenient it is to use one system to heat and cool your home. Because heat pumps work twice as much as separate heating and cooling systems, they can be more prone to developing repair needs. As the homeowner, it’s in your best interest to stay aware of signs that can indicate a problem has developed with your heat pump. However, it can be hard deciphering these signs sometimes, especially when your heat pump is still operable. To help you, the HVAC experts at Downtown Air & Heat have put together a short list of signs that it may be time to give us a call:

Sign #1: Reduced air flow

Have you noticed that your home isn’t quite as cool as it should be, even though the air feels cool coming from your vents? Low air flow can be caused by a few things, including a refrigerant leak or clogged air filter. No matter what the cause, low air volume always means there’s a problem somewhere in the system, and continuing to operate your heat pump with low air volume puts unnecessary stress on it. As such, it’s best to call for help as soon as you detect the issue.

Sign #2: Loud noises

Heat pumps are not loud systems because they have very few moving parts; as such, if you start to hear any kind of loud noise emanating from your heat pump, it’s important to call for an expert right away.

Sign #3: Icing

Ice on your heat pump means there is an imbalance with the refrigerant in your system, most likely from a refrigerant leak. Simply scraping off the ice does not resolve the problem; you need to call for an expert who can find the leak and repair it.

Now is the time of year to take care of any needed repairs to your heat pump so that you can get ahead of the intense summer heat. Call us today, and schedule an appointment for your home in Orlando, FL.

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